I was standing by the room-sized metal sink, the exhaust fan was churning, my hands were holding her image over the trays. It was then that I realized that in the dark, in pictures I could do what life had never allowed me to do. I could gaze at my sister. And she gazed back. We did not speak and for the first time it felt like we really saw each other.
I photograph my family.
Through the lens of my camera, the landscape of the family farm and the interiors of our homes become a stage on which our costumed bodies play act ourselves. Over time, the camera has become a tool for facilitating intimacy between my family and me, a way of expressing the things that feel difficult in life, but through the camera are made possible. The reoccurring themes in my work explore the familial narratives told to me during my life in rural Alabama. The resulting images function as an emotional narrative about memory, family, loss and the often difficult and complex relationships that surround love.
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