Monday, July 22, 2013
Friday, May 20, 2011

People once believed that pictures contained a thin layer of the actual person being photographed. That during the moments when the shutter was open and the camera was pointed towards the sitter their soul was being transformed to the surface of the image.
Flat Granny and Me is a series of post-mortem portraits. Taking inspiration from the “Flat Daddy”, lifesize portraits of deployed U.S. soldiers that are inserted into the family while the soldiers are away at war, I photograph myself with a life-size cardboard cutout of my grandmother. Reanimating the still photographs I took of her while my Grandmother was alive Flat Granny acts as a stand-in for my absent grandmother. In an attempt to re-imagining the moments my camera once recorded, I turn the camera on myself. The resulting images recall moments passed extending the imaginative space between grandmother and granddaughter beyond death.
Flat Granny and Me is a series of still photographs and accompanying short musical. This work is still in progress.